Thursday, September 20, 2012

Planes, Tricks, and Um.. Stairways

The hardest part of blogging is facing the most dreaded part, writing the opening sentence. I think that this photo of Evie sums up my feelings of writing the Blog.

Anyone who has read the blog knows that our daughter is no stranger to crazy faces but this one has to be one of the most original faces that I have seen in a long time.

Our son on the other hand find great pleasure in seeing what his zany sister is up too.

We took a trip to Trafalga and Evie loved riding on the planes. She rode them a total of five times and when we decided to do something else she came quietly meaning that most of Utah County got to hear her scream.

Evie made a bouquet from the only plants we can grow in our yard, dandelions. While she looked cute carrying these around she sure has not helped the over all dandelion problem.

Evie Has been "sharing' with Sam meaning that after she is done with some thing she lets Sam play with it. That is why he ended up with the DS. He thought that it was a great thing to try and eat.

Evie has been learning some new tricks I think that she is trying to show off to Sam this is her new vanishing movie routine. She empties all the movies and magically appears int he movie case. Tada!

Evie managed to get her door open yesterday while she was supposed to be napping. When we found her she was fully asleep precariously balanced on the stairs

I can't believe it but we have started to give Sam some rice cereal and while he does not really like it he does not really hate it either.