Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Words, Words, Words

Hi Reader,
  I haven't charged the batteries in the camera, thus no blog because there aren't any cute pictures that I have to post.  I have learned a few things lately so here you get my thoughts instead of cute Evie pictures.
1.  A sick Evie is WAY different than an Evie that feels well.  She got sick and I forgot that she is such a lively happy girl, I guess I forgot some time in that week of cuddling her on the couch day and night. (Speaking of nights I think part of her was reminding us not to get to comfortable sleeping through the night).
2. How to entertain a toddler:  Get large box, insert the following items: blanket, stuffed animal, book, tea set, and child.  It was awesome.  She read the book to her Simba, "fed" him, danced with him, and "took a nap".
3. It is cheaper for us to deliver a baby than it is for me to hear,  but I am so blessed that we can pay for both, and I know that a baby is more than just upfront costs that have to be paid (yes I know the grammar is wrong here).
4.  Today is week 33 of pregnancy 2 (have I mentioned that? it is a boy) anyway, an aunt asked me a while back if I had forgotten what it felt like to be pregnant and give birth and if I was ready to have another baby.  The answer, Yes, I think it is a survival technique that women forget some things (by some women I mean me).

Have a great day, if you need me I'll be in a box taking a nap.


  1. If we remembered what it's truly like we would never do it more than once! You'll do great though- Good luck! Glad things are happy with you!

  2. Congratulations on #2!! I had no idea! Yeah!

  3. I was so excited to hear there will be a boy on the other side of the family :)

  4. I need a nap box. You and Evie have the right idea :)
